Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Brothers, Breathers, and Broncos

So I just dropped my brother off at the airport. This marks the end of an over-a-year-long attempt at getting him settled and independent. I don’t know how successful I feel about it, seeing as how he is moving back to Florida after all this time. I guess he did learn to live on his own for a while, and pay bills on time, and he did get a pretty decent job that he was successful at. I just feel like maybe I should have done more for him. He still doesn’t have a driver’s license, or health insurance, or a girlfriend, and although I know that none of that is any of my business, let alone my responsibility, I still feel like I didn’t do enough to support my little brother. I hope he finds everything he’s looking for back in Jacksonville, and I will be praying for him every day.
On another note, I’m looking for new employment. After four years of frustrated attempts at promotion with my current job, I’ve decided that it is time to move on, and hopefully move out, from Panera and food service in general. I’ve spent over 12 years working nights and weekends, and with my daughter now in kindergarten, I need to have more time than the few hours in the morning I get with her. That’s not even counting my wonderful wife, who I get maybe a day or two with a month, if I’m lucky. I need to work somewhere where my talents and intellect can be used and challenged. Hopefully I get something soon.
One current bright spot: the Denver Broncos. Completely written off in the preseason, including by me, they have started out 2-0, and look amazing, at least on offense. Looking at their schedule, it is completely possible that they will start out 7-0 heading into the bye week, although I would settle for 5-2. I’m so glad football is back. Now if I could just get my wife to agree to HD reception with our satellite company, I’d be all set.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ryan, A to Z.

A: Attached or Single? Attached for 12 years and counting…

B. Best Friend? Joy, my lovely wife. It started on an indoor park bench in high school with rambling conversations. I had never felt so accepted and happy as I did when I was with her, and we haven’t stopped laughing together since.

C: Cake or pie? Pie, either pecan or pumpkin. (Ah, alliteration!)

D: Day of choice? Monday. It gets a raw deal. It’s not Monday’s fault you hate your job. I love the promise of a new week.

E: Essential Item? Deodorant. You can deal with almost any crisis if you don’t have B.O.

F: Favorite color? Green.

G: Gummy bears or worms? I hate both. Twizzlers is as close as I get to “gummy” candy.

H: Hometown? Born in Manhattan, Kansas, but Denver is home by any definition that matters.

I: Favorite indulgence? Sitting on the couch all afternoon with plenty of Coke, Garlic Parmesan Wings from Wingstop, and a Denver Broncos game, provided they are winning thoroughly.

J: January or July? Ryley’s birthday is in July. That means money spent and planning done, two things I don’t enjoy. It also means my baby is getting another year older, and that means one less year until I have to meet boyfriends. So definitely January.

K: Kids? Ryley. I didn’t know selfless love until she was in my life.

L: Life isn't complete without? Christ. Stereotypical, but the truest thing in my life.

M: Marriage date? December 28, 1998. I still can’t believe I actually got her to agree to it.

N: Number of brothers and sisters? One brother, two sisters, one half sister, three brothers-in-law, one sister-in-law, two ex-step-sisters, one ex-step-brother-in-law. An American family, yes?

O: Oranges or apples? Oranges. I love this fruit, but I tend to forget about it until someone else provides it, then I promise myself to buy and eat them more often, then I forget them again.

P: Phobias? Not really. I have an insane curiosity about the world that belies most phobias. I don’t believe in them, but the idea of ghosts freak me out a little.

Q: Quotes? "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. But it rocks absolutely, too." This is my theme quote for the election, a belief I know both sides hold dearly.

R: Reasons to Smile? I have a steady job that pays the bills. I have a beautiful woman that loves me, a beautiful daughter that thinks I’m the greatest man on earth, and a God that thinks I’m pretty special. What more could I ask for? Maybe a few million dollars, too. That would be nice.

S: Season of choice? Spring or Autumn. I love seeing the world shift.

T: Tag 5 People: Huh? I don’t know 5 people online.

U: Unknown fact? ß That is kind of an oxymoron. Anyway, in the spirit of the question, as a child I had an extra tooth that grew between my two front teeth. It was a pointy canine tooth that was longer than my front teeth. I had to go to an oral surgeon and have it removed.

V: Vegetable? I don’t know that it qualifies as a veggie, but pickles.

W: Worst habit? I chew on pens. I’m that guy.

X: X-ray or Ultrasound? MRI’s are my intra-body scan of choice.

Y: Your favorite food? A New York Strip Steak. Texas Roadhouse has my favorite variety so far.

Z: Zodiac Sign? I think this is a load of hippo poop, so I’m making my own “Z” word. Let’s about Zoo? In that case, my favorite so far has been the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. You get a workout walking there, but they have great interactive exhibits, culminating with a chance to feed giraffes.